Social networks became the powerful platform for expressing and influencing ideas and opinions. However, it can also be used in demoralizing, maligning and attacking a person through posting vicious speech, especially, when you disagree to their beliefs. This is the saddest downside of social media. 

If we get attacked by critics, one day, how are we going to fight them? 

How to handle provoking bashers?

3 Fighting Tools

Not all fights require aggressive responses. Some fight must be taken to the other side of its meaning. 

1. Be receptive

Expect that some readers/commentators will oppose you, no matter how you choose your words. If your comments/posts won't agree with them, you are going to be attacked by them. Instead of bashing them back, just do the opposite. Be the wisest of them all. 

2. Pay no attention

Bashers like disputes. They intentionally throw provoking words at you, and, if you strike them with the same attack ー you'd better control your fingers from hitting the reply button and ignore them totally. 
They will stop pestering you anyway, if you ignore their existence. 

3. Cut off connections 

This is the best way to drive away bashers.
If you are the kind of person who gets affected easily by words,  
block them automatically. So,  they cannot reach you anymore. 
No need to bother yourself by the likes of them.

We have different views on particular fields like Politics, Religion, Show Business, etc. But the  so-called freedom of expression has been extensively abused by many. Let's carefully audit ourselves that we will not be labelled as those who seemed to gain pleasure in leaving unsavory criticisms.

Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, 
because you know they produce quarrels.
 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome 
but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.

Ecclesiastes 7:9

Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,
    for anger resides in the lap of fools.